These are the same “Godless” people that moved the “religious hypocrites” to say in concert “Away with The Christ” and “we have no King but Caesar.”...
Evolutionists, since Darwin, have based their assumption of a God-less origin of life on abiogenesis. That is, they hold life began from non-life. Now a professor...
Each year, the United States adds another 3.1 million people to its population, net gain. Current demographic projections show America adding 138 million people by 2050...
Most conservatives living in America today realize that the personal and constitutional values we hold dear are being assaulted daily. As a result, many have become...
Now the Republican Presidential candidates begin crawling out from the progressive shadows and into the Conservative sunlight. If our country were not in such dire straights,...
In his State of the Union address last week, de facto President Barack Obama said he had no more campaigns to run. He lied. He decided...
The Blizzard of 2015 introduces a paradox into the global warming debate. It actually shows where global warming comes from. Global warming did not start with...
The indictments one could level against the BBC are too numerous to mention and their range too extensive to fathom. As new stories air on the...
In this Superbowl and Oscar season, a certain phrase in the Bible, that not many people notice, becomes more important. In fact it becomes vital to...
In November of 2014, the European Space Agency achieved a milestone in planetary science. They successfully landed a craft of man on the surface of Comet...