It all started when I realized that the hirelings in church pulpits were not preaching the Word of God to homosexual communities. I noticed that these...
A team of isotope geologists now say they have definitive proof that a giant impactor, four and a half billion years ago, struck the earth and...
Elected representatives in America have often been labeled “lame ducks” when their term is in its final stages. This label implies that their ability to accomplish...
Private, now sergeant, Bowe Bergdahl was never any prize. He deserted his post at least twice before finally walking off his post and into the arms...
A variety of threats could be listed in today’s America. All of them would probably be legitimate. Looming financial disaster, intrusion by the United Nations in...
I am the granddaughter, niece, cousin/sister, daughter, daughter-in-law, and mother of many committed patriots. Perhaps it is this background and personal experience that makes the present...
The security barrier certainly causes much contention. Despite the enormous length and breadth of China’s Great Wall, Israel’s protective shield is more debated. Although Saudi Arabia’s...
Many thanks to all that participated in Phase One of Operation Free Sergeant Tahmooressi. that commenced as a Memorial Day initiative.
Barack Obama unashamedly did his best to save face by showing up at Arlington National Cemetery last weekend, with the hopes that you would believe that...
During his campaign, de facto President Barack Obama promised to build a civilian security force at least as well armed as the military. Lovers of liberty...