At the end of the year, the Pew Research Center published another survey on public attitudes about human evolution. Pew last took this survey in 2009....
How does one diagnose Walter Duranty Syndrome? A news organ publishes a report at wild variance with the facts as others understand them. When those others...
Editor’s Note: Over the weekend of December 28-29, 2013, the Democratic National Committee sent out an e-mail to its mailing list. In it they quoted several...
Yesterday The New York Times released another Benghazi report, in six parts. David D. Kirkpatrick wrote a book on Benghazi. This six-part Benghazi report consists of...
Over the years, as part of the planned ruination of our culture and society the liberal left has endeavored to label and define activity, by use of...
On Monday (23 December 2013), the crew of the Russian motor vessel Akadyemik Shokolskiy sent an urgent radio message. Ice from the Antarctic had trapped the...
The United States Chamber of Commerce just out-Obama’d Obama. They will spend fifty million dollars on an anti-primary campaign against Tea Party upstarts in the 2014...
Your God of Leviticus (and of the whole Bible) is clearly a sinful homophobic bigot. He should repent of his sinful homophobia… -The Late Radical...
The mainstream media are buzzing today with a breathless report. According to them, the NSA surveillance program got a new lease on life. Specifically, another federal...
For those who have been paying attention, the DOW has had over 50 new highs this year. Sounds great, right?