Immigration reform is the Trojan horse that Obama plans to use to win a second term. His behavior makes no sense otherwise.
Gold might once again become the standard of value for the US dollar. Only that can stop the dollar from becoming worthless.
The Healthcare Bill is now before three Appellate Court judges in Virginia. They will decide whether to shackle the United States with this crippling legislation. These...
To be an Israeli, you must face the fear that, any day, someone you know, or someone who knew someone you know, will die. Nine years...
As Congress dithers on whether to raise the debt ceiling, Republicans are demanding deeper cuts as their price for raising it—or so they say. Meanwhile, no...
Caesaria Maritima, the “Caesaria” of the Bible, is the first stop north of Tel Aviv-Jaffa along the old Coastal Road. This road once carried Roman, Greek,...
Israel began celebrating its independence today—and after 63 years, its people still cannot agree on how to approach the world around them. Like all anniversaries in...
A bill recently reported out of a key Senate committee would vest the authority to appoint several hundred executive-branch officers in the President alone—and not all...
As officials in Pakistan protest the raid that killed Usama bin Laden, some Members of Congress are asking whether those same officials knew that Bin Laden...
Jaffa or Joppa (Hebrew: Yafo), is one of the oldest port cities in the world. Today it has lost its independent identity, after Tel Aviv, to...