Headline, Jerusalem Post, October 20, 2015, concerning Arab violence in Jerusalem and elsewhere in Israel: “Netanyahu to Ban: Abbas has joined ISIS and Hamas.” Headline, Jerusalem...
Various Jewish scientists, not given to mysticism, affirm the Jewish concept that God uses nature – as He did in the Deluge – to punish nations...
“Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them.”...
Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner claimed Monday afternoon (28 September) at the United Nations General Assembly in New York City that in 2010, the Obama administration tried...
Why does Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insist that Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas suppress Arab terrorism? The same demand was made on Yasser Arafat, who was the...
The old concept of “world government” has surfaced again, this from more or less elusive statements of Barack Obama, a self-professed multicultural moral relativist.
Many Israelis are disappointed in PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s lack of dynamic leadership. True, they surmise that Isaac Herzog of the Labor Party and Tzippi Livni, founder...
Contrary to the erroneous and pernicious “dictum” pronounced by Binyamin Netanyahu at the March 1992 Likud Convention, when he was elected the Likud’s chairman:
Barack Obama opposes capital punishment. Yet he voted against legislation that would put an end to full-birth abortion. Full-birth abortion means nothing less than “kill the baby”—inflicting...
Cities across America are reporting startling increases in violence. I attribute this increase largely to the anti-American president Barack Obama.