Aliyah (going up) began in earnest in 1882 and is accelerating today. And high time, not only to flee oppression but to rebuild Jewish national life.
Va'etchanan covers the entry of the ancient Hebrews into the Promised Land. On this occasion, we remember modern Diaspora Jews returning to Israel.
Muslim plans to infiltrate American government continue. Fresh evidence appears every day. And now they speak openly of their plans.
Hebrew Scriptures clearly show that Jews need not wait for the Messiah to rebuild the Temple that the future Emperor Titus destroyed.
Jewish law forbids personal vengeance, but mandates avenging the Jewish people when they, as a people or as individuals, come under attack.
Pinchas, or Phinehas, gave a prize example of Jewish leadership at a critical moment. Israel could use several modern Phinehashim!
Human sexuality has importance beyond the immediate moment. The enemies of civilization use it as a potent weapon against it.
The benediction at Baylor University's commencement was anything but a well-wishing. It turned into a socialist screed without foundation in Scripture.
Muslims now have a devout adherent, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), talking to students with neither parents nor press present.
This week the Jews remember a special class of Kedoshim, or holy ones. These are the martyrs of the Shoah--the Holocaust.