Most people know Bill Nye as “The Science Guy,” from his children’s science show that ran from 1993 to 1998. Today, Ken Ham, of Answers in...
At the end of the year, the Pew Research Center published another survey on public attitudes about human evolution. Pew last took this survey in 2009....
Images of the Christ child lying in a manger warm our hearts and comfort our souls during this very special time of the year. The songs...
Sinkholes seem to be a growing trend nationwide and worldwide. The last 24 hours has seen reports of two fresh sinkholes. One, latest in a series,...
Comet C/2012 S1, which astronomers also call Comet ISON, did not die after its close pass at the Sun two days ago. (Source: ABC News) Yesterday...
Yesterday, NASA launched its latest deep-space rocket probe: MAVEN. MAVEN, unlike Curiosity and other earlier missions, will study the atmosphere of Mars, not its ground. NASA...
The Texas State Board of Education will vote this fall on new biology textbooks for government high schools in Texas. Texas schools buy more textbooks than...
Yesterday, the journal Science published several provocative reports about new geological findings on Mars. These findings come from the Mars Science Laboratory, that the world called...
Kent Hovind, the famous “Doctor Dino,” broke his silence yesterday to reply to many questions about his long-running battle with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). His...
Okay, so TPATH readers have become accustomed to reading about political and world events, terrorists and communists and illegal usurpers. So what are we doing discussing...