Creation was once the ruling paradigm of science. A century and a half ago, it fell out of favor. Now it’s coming back, as people realize...
Evolutionists allege a long age for the earth because their model depends on it. They justify it only by misinterpreting and misconstruing both historical fact and...
The Bible begins with creation. Yet most churches today, and even most Bible-believing churches, don’t want to talk about creation. They’re making a mistake. Bible-believing Christians...
Fox anchor Bill O’Reilly and his co-author Martin Durgard recently signed to write Killing Jesus. The excitement and anticipation has piqued a lot of Americans since...
This morning, another type of creation advocate sent me a message at the domain of the Creation Science Hall of Fame. Some advocates choose not to...
C. S. Lewis was not always a Christian. He was still an atheist when, in 1925, he first questioned evolution. He knew its claims, from unguided...
The near-earth asteroid 2012 DA14 makes the case for the Hydroplate Theory of the Global Flood, for a simple reason. No asteroid, if it formed in...
The Mercury ice excites everyone who hears about it. After all, people forget that even Mercury has areas of endless shadow cold enough to hold ice....
Almost everyone agrees that comets and water-rich asteroids delivered lots of ice to Mercury. But the Mercury ice must have come from Earth. It cannot have...
Today NASA showed the world proof of something they long suspected: ice on Mercury, and lots of it. But the Mercury ice find reminds us of...