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Epstein List released

The first of several tranches of documents from a case involving Jeffrey Epstein is now public. What have we learned?

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Yesterday a federal judge in New York unsealed many court documents in a case against an associate of Jeffrey Epstein. That associate, Ghislaine Maxwell, is in prison herself, but the case has gone on for eight years. Jeffrey Epstein, of course, is notorious for sexually abusing many women, most of them underage, and trafficking these women to high-profile male clients that read like a Who’s Who in politics, geopolitics, and the law. (And to this day no one believes that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself in his prison cell.) The release of that list promises to change many political – and geopolitical – games.

Previous history of Jeffrey Epstein

Jeffrey Epstein was in and out of court for the last eighteen years of his life, beginning in 2005. In that year the mother of a minor girl made the first of many complaints against him. The details of these complaints are not important. What is important is that Epstein received special treatment that made his “confinement” strictly pro forma.

But beginning in 2008, many, many women filed lawsuits against Epstein, and against Ghislaine Maxwell. That includes the case at issue today: Giuffre v. Maxwell, 1:15-cv-07433, in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York; The Hon. Loretta A. Preska presiding. CourtListener has this docket page on that case. (The reason for the near-impossibility of visiting CourtListener’s home page at this time will become apparent later.) Virginia Giuffre, then known as Virginia Roberts, was one of Jeffrey Epstein’s victims, according to her twelve-page complaint.

Giuffre sued in the federal courts to protect her rights, which authorities ignored as part of Epstein’s special treatment. That treatment included a Non-Prosecution Agreement that meant she would not have her own day in court. Giuffre sued Epstein initially – and then sued Maxwell after the latter undertook to “fix” Giuffre with a campaign of lies.

The entire case proceeded under seal, it seems, and in 2017 Giuffre reached a settlement, also under seal. But the matter didn’t end there.


Motion to intervene and unseal

Michael Cernovich, independent investigator and journalist, moved in January 2017 to intervene in the case, and unseal its files.

Cernovich explained his involvement in a long-form post on X. (Jim Hoft at The Gateway Pundit alerted his readers to the post.)

Following that post, Cernovich left this post embedding part of an interview he did with Candace Owens.

Note that Cernovich charges that Jeffrey Epstein was an FBI asset. Cernovich also asked, after Epstein’s 2019 arrest, several pointed questions about failure to prosecute Epstein under the Mann Act. Whether Cernovich had read the complaint and knew about the Non-Prosecution Agreement, is not clear.

On August 10, 2019, of course, authorities “found” Jeffrey Epstein dead in his cell. Suspicion has centered largely on former President Bill Clinton, because:

  • Many people knew or suspected Bill Clinton of visiting one of Epstein’s two private islands as far back as 2016. Furthermore he made those visits without his Secret Service detail.
  • “The Clinton Body Count” is proverbial.

Former CNAV contributor Ariel Natan Pasko dropped this dark hint about anti-Semites citing Jeffrey Epstein as typical of Jews. This, of course, was twelve days after Epstein’s arrest. The next day, Darrell L. Castle commented on the implications of the Epstein case for American legal and judicial corruption.

The day after Jeffrey Epstein died, Linda Goudsmit became one of the first to suggest that he did not kill himself. Two weeks later, Darrell Castle was sure of it.

From 2019 to the present

As Ghislaine Maxwell now prepared to stand criminal trial, rumors began spreading about just who, in addition to the Clintons, maintained an association with Jeffrey Epstein. Media attention focused on Bill Clinton, but also centered on HRH Prince Andrew, Duke of York. (Ghislaine Maxwell later would say she felt sorry for the Duke.) Melinda Gates accused Epstein of helping break up her marriage to Bill Gates. His private islands went up for sale for $125 million.

A jury ultimately convicted Maxwell on five of six criminal counts. The court sentenced her to 20 years – after the prosecution asked for 30 years. Authorities also placed her on suicide watch. A year later, her former lawyers sued her to recover $878,000 in unpaid legal fees.

But the taint of Jeffrey Epstein seems spread far and wide. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart, one of three judges involved in the Mar-A-Lago Raid, once represented one of Epstein’s “Lolita Express” pilots. A former Epstein business associate, Steven Hoffenberg, turned up dead in his home in August of 2022. Former victims have sued Deutsche Bank and J. P. Morgan Chase for having profited from Epstein’s trafficking activities. Jeffrey Epstein also had apparent connections to Les Wexner, founder of Victoria’s Secret. Wexner’s foundation recently severed ties with the Harvard Kennedy School over unpunished harassment of Jewish students at Harvard.

Alan Dershowitz apparently represented Epstein. Virginia Giuffre initially accused him of abusing her – but dropped that charge fourteen months ago.


Release of the Jeffrey Epstein list

That last is important today because Alan Dershowitz appears on flight manifests on flights to and from one of Epstein’s private islands. Today Dershowitz repeats his denial of any involvement with Epstein’s nefarious activities.

Judge Preska issued an order on December 18, 2023, setting forth her intention to unseal documents in the Giuffre case.

Upon the release of that order, the new lawyer for a “Doe 107” sent a letter to the judge asking for more time to keep his client’s name out of public mention.

The judge granted the extension of time, leading to widespread speculation that she had canceled the unsealing. The grant read as follows:

Doe 107’s request for a 30-day extension is approved. Doe 107 shall, by January 22, 2024, submit to the Court for in camera review an affidavit (1) supporting her assertion that she faces a risk of physical harm in her country of residence and (2) providing detail concerning the hate mail she has received. Doe 107’s counsel may also provide by this date any additional factual support for Doe 107’s contention that unsealing the relevant records would put her at risk of physical harm.

But the judge did not hold up the release of documents unrelated to Doe 107 – or Does 105 and 110. (Doe 110 also asked for special consideration.) Yesterday she issued this order. (See also this article from Jim Hoft at The Gateway Pundit.)


List of links

Pursuant to that order, she released forty documents, as Attachments to Docket Entry 1320. (See also this article by Christina Laila at The Gateway Pundit.)Almost immediately thereafter, so many people sought downloads of those documents, that CourtListener’s servers crashed. Even today, CourtListener’s home page will not load, not for any browser. But any other page will load.

Herewith a list of forty-one direct links to the released documents. (The first link is to a cover letter explaining the “rolling release” process.) The Gateway Pundit managed to download thirty-seven of them before their connection became hopeless.

Today lawyers for The Miami Herald sent another letter to Judge Preska, asking for unsealing of another document. This involves Document 1026, Attachment 3 (Exhibit C).

To anyone asking why CNAV did not mention any of this activity earlier,CNAV offers this disclaimer.CNAV has watched as judges have, in the past, ordered release of information – then canceled it. When the December 18 order came down, CNAV decided we would believe it when we saw it. Now we see it. Notably, CourtListener is still having trouble processing requests for information on its home page and even from some “push-buttons.” CNAV therefore urges caution and patience in trying to read or download these files.


Various insights on the Jeffrey Epstein list

The Gateway Pundit has a plethora of reports on the release of the Jeffrey Epstein list. In chronological order:

  • Sarah Kellen, once a personal assistant to Epstein, might have additional evidence she could use to bargain for early release.
  • The Duke of York is definitely involved! Attachment 26 describes from very un-princely behavior by The Duke.
  • Donald J. Trump is not involved in nefarious activity. One witness cleared him completely, along with Alan Dershowitz (see above) and George Lucas. (Attachment 12.) Other reports reveal that Donald Trump ended his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein years before his notoriety. He knew what Epstein was – and did not like it.
  • At least one attachment reveals a “kissing game” Maxwell invented to condition underage girls to “pleasure” Epstein.
  • Bill Clinton was not only involved but had definite pedophile tastes. “He likes them young,” said Epstein, according to one witness.
  • NBC News sullied its own coverage of the release. They tried to defend Bill Clinton even in the face of the above revelation.
  • Thomas Pritzker, of the Pritzkers of Hyatt Hotels fame, was also a client. Jim Hoft captured two posts by Kanekoa the Great on this point:
  • Jeffrey Epstein would call Leonardo di Caprio, Bruce Willis, and other Hollywood celebrities. See Attachment 12. This may or may not be significant. No witness mentions having met any of those Hollywood types.

Other revelations

In those documents, Virginia Giuffre revealed that Jeffrey Epstein trafficked her to at least one foreign President.

She did not name him, but could only describe him.

In related news, Tucker Carlson, in today’s show, suggested that Jeffrey Epstein was murdered – and the Attorney General covered it up. That Attorney General would be none other than William Barr, who betrayed Donald Trump over the Election of 2020. This insight comes from Epstein’s brother Mark.

Laura Loomer published another link to all 943 pages of documents, on Document Cloud.

She has also teased out some other questionable associations. Among them: Tony Lyons, of Skyhorse Publishing – and a known associate of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.


She mentioned how quiet several Members of Congress, government officials, and foreign dignitaries have been lately.


The documents Judge Preska released thus far do not constitute an entire “client list.” They tell us little that we didn’t know before – except that Donald Trump was not involved in nefarious activities. Alan Dershowitz’ involvement seems to be nothing more serious than representing Jeffrey Epstein. Though in 1997 he did plump for lowering the age of consent from 18 to 15. He said so in The Los Angeles Times, and people took notice.

In response, Dershowitz dropped this mini-thread:

Of course, he wrote those posts nearly three years before Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. In any event, he distinguished the constitutional case from the moral case.

This release confirms Bill Clinton’s involvement, and that of the Duke of York. But Tucker Carlson’s interview with Mark Epstein suggests that someone else had a motive for murdering Jeffrey Epstein. In fact, if Epstein was a tool of the Deep State, the list of suspects goes beyond Clinton. And now it includes former Attorney General Bill Barr. Did Barr know of plans by Trump for a general crackdown on child sex traffickers and molesters? Would that explain his cooperation with a campaign to defeat Trump at all costs?


In any event, the court has promised many more revelations.

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Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.


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