Sex scandals and harassment allegations seem to be all the rage these days. From the accusations made against Roy Moore to the misadventures of news anchor...
“Human law must rest its authority ultimately upon the authority of that law which is divine. . . . Far from being rivals or enemies, religion...
The Humanitarian Hoax is a deliberate and deceitful tactic of presenting a destructive policy as altruistic. The humanitarian huckster presents himself as a compassionate advocate when...
Regardless of what branch of government, office or party affiliation, the law applies to each and every one of us! And those consequences should not go...
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. On today’s report, I will be discussing the National budget, due today but now postponed until December...
Herewith: why we should not ask Congress to call an Article V convention, a/k/a “constitutional convention,” or in Newspeak, a “convention of states.” State legislators should...
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday, November 10, 2017, and as you may know November 10 is the Marine Corps birthday. ...
The best way Donald Trump can restore public faith in government institutions is to send “Hillary to prison.” For if the first lady’s crimes are seen...
Predictable cries of Islamophobia are heard after every terrorist attack even when jihadis screaming “Allahu Akhbar” (Allah is greater) make it irrefutable that they are killing...
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. Today is Friday, November 3, 2017, and on today’s report I will be talking about the 100thanniversary...