Earlier this week, Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) made official what everyone understood. He will ask the Republican Party to nominate him for the office of President...
The United Nations Offices at Geneva’s website has this to say about its predecessor, the League of Nations (LON): Born with the will of the victors...
To Ambassador John Bolton: In your March 20 newsletter, you stated that you are willing to do “absolutely anything to ensure that America is safe and...
As many of you who read TPATH on a regular basis know, we are involved in both research and legal activity relating to the continued civil...
Apostasy is the renunciation of a religious or political belief or allegiance. In America, where our government was founded upon the principle that our rights come...
Over 35 years ago Mayor Graves watched over an over again as criminals arrested for violent crimes, such as murder, rape, robbery and other harrowing barbarities...
The hits just keep on coming. Hillary Clinton, two days ago, satisfied no one with her Turtle Bay press conference. The Clinton email scandal will stay....
Yesterday Hillary Clinton flew her true colors. She holds the American people in the utmost contempt. She insulted our intelligence. She finally ordered us to take...
God tells us in the Bible to be angry but not to sin (Eph. 4:26-27). As human beings who are quick to act upon our anger...
With Secular Humanist Progressives the answer is yes – only when it’s convenient for them. SCOTUS is about to rule on same sex marriage. Keep in...