Ten days ago, Sleeper 13 Productions released a “public service announcement” they called “Stop Gun Violence.” They really plumped for gun control. And the tone they...
Yes, dead cops. What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want ’em? Now! This is the chant shouted by brainwashed thugs in NYC, Saturday...
Conservative Republicans were appalled when Speaker of the House John Boehner and his crew of RINOs passed a budget that provided Barack Obama with all the...
While racial issues boil across America, everyone offers a different take on the killings of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri and Eric Garner in New York...
Last month (November 22), Dr. Orly Taitz released a statement few believed at the time. She said Barack Obama never actually issued or signed any executive...
What was the purpose of the founding of these United States of America and the creation of our Constitution? Before the migration from Europe to this newly...
In 2014, it has become hard for those who understand what has happened to America to deny that everything we are and everything we stand for...
With the advent and growth of the internet, combined with the self inflicted demise and collapse of any credibility of the national and international “professional” news outlets, new...
Now they tell us! Democrats all over the country, but especially from the East Coast and the South, now say the obvious. They have the wrong...
Since the Garden of Eden, the devil has done his best to corrupt man’s existence and his relationship with God. Over the course of time, he...