For as long as the human race has existed, there have been victims. Some, such as Abel, may have been taken off guard. Others fell victim...
In my book Rescuing America from Nihilism: A Judeo-Scientific Approaching (Lightcatcher, 1st edition 2014), I elaborate on two eminent figures in the development of America: Christopher...
In The Dream Palace of the Arabs, the renowned Lebanese-born scholar, Fouad Ajami of Johns Hopkins University, portrays the thoughts of the most prominent of literati...
In his 2002 foreword to Raphael Patai’s 1973 classic, The Arab Mind, Norvelle B. de Atkine writes: “This book … forms the basis of my cultural instruction,...
This writer has been a close observer of public opinion in Israel regarding the 1993 Oslo Agreement. After five years of Israel’s experience with that Agreement,...
An open letter to the Honorable People of Iceland: To the good people of Iceland, I offer our sincere appreciation for choosing righteousness over hate and...
Why does Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insist that Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas suppress Arab terrorism? The same demand was made on Yasser Arafat, who was the...
Most commentators on Israel have been afflicted by a syndrome they share with every Israeli government whether led by the Labor Party or by the Likud....
The old concept of “world government” has surfaced again, this from more or less elusive statements of Barack Obama, a self-professed multicultural moral relativist.
Have you ever wondered how the heart and soul of America has morphed into something barely recognizable in such a short period of time? Or perhaps...