Some ten years ago, the left-wing Israel Democracy Institute reported that 62% of Israeli Jews would like to see the government actively encourage Arabs to leave...
The following remarks reconstruct and update a few observations and ideas appearing in A Guide for the Bedeviled, by Ben Hecht. He made them in 1949...
Barbarism1 means as the inability or unwillingness to recognize another person as a human being. This definition fully applies to Muslims who refer to non-Muslims as...
The mere fact that Zionist organizations have failed to have any discernible impact on the land-for-peace policy of Israeli governments from Begin to Netanyahu suggests they...
I never cease to be astonished by the chutzpah of most Israeli Prime Ministers. Their policies suggest they personally own the Land of Israel and can...
When Nicholas Kristof, a writer for the New York Times, wrote Anne Frank today is a Syrian girl, he was publicizing his own distorted view that...
Recall how the patriarch Abraham questioned God in His decision to destroy Sodom:
The resolution of the God issue, which involves the sanctification of God’s Name, should be the paramount purpose of the State of Israel. That and that...
A man with no name coined this proverb: “Where there is no great hatred, there is no great love.” The problem, as Leon Uris realized, is...
The phenomenon of complicity in murder did not begin with the Labor-led government of Yitzhak Rabin, the Government that consummated the Israel-PLO Agreement of September 13,...