Thank you, my friends in freedom. Today I’m sending a message written by my guest writer and super patriot, Kathleen Dynan of New Jersey. It is...
“A general Dissolution of the Principles and Manners will more surely overthrow the Liberties of America than the whole Force of the Common Enemy.” -Samuel Adams
Barack Obama opposes capital punishment. Yet he voted against legislation that would put an end to full-birth abortion. Full-birth abortion means nothing less than “kill the baby”—inflicting...
If you consider what has held center stage in the media of Israeli Democracy during the days of Yasser Arafat, and if you juxtapose that personification...
Back in 1985, I wrote an article on Zbigniew Brzezinski for The Intercollegiate Review. Before citing some of the more relevant passages of that article, it...
To begin to understand why Muslims are backward, consider this passage from G. E. Von Grunebaum’s Modern Islam (1962):
Almost 2,400 years ago, Aristotle, the founder of political science and the greatest political scientist, discussed, in his Politics, the various causes of insurrection and revolution. ...
The prophetic signs that we are living in what has been termed the “latter days” or “end times” seem to be erupting all around us. Pulpits...
“All European life died in Auschwitz”, by Sebastian Vilar Rodriguez (February 14, 2006) (Translated into English from an article in a Spanish newspaper)
Herewith the record of dealings among Israel, the Muslims of the region (and elsewhere), and with the United States government. This record reeks of timidity and...