Many active supporters of the 2nd Amendment have spent endless hours gathering information on the benefits of an armed population. They have presented incalculable amounts of data which prove...
Where knowledge is a duty, ignorance is a crime. – Thomas Paine The American people and their representatives are guilty of dereliction of duty when...
The only reasons the vapor canopy theory got any traction, were the many references to something like it in ancient tales of creation. Isaac Newton Vail...
All throughout history terrorists of many nationalities and many religious backgrounds have used fear to overcome those they seek to annihilate. In the 20th century the...
Again a popular “Christian celebrity” said something outrageous about the Bible and the Christian belief system. Michael Gungor, contemporary Christian music artist, actually says the first...
The creation science movement has not been able to speak with one voice for years. And now we know why. Less than two weeks ago, a...
The debate on Christianity in class has reached the ultimate irony. Those who object to it, forget one thing: you cannot keep Christianity out of class...
They would not believe it, because it is the unthinkable. That is why we can get away with it. Yes, It Is The Unthinkable! Why...
Call it A Tale of Two Leaders. Though one leads and the other doesn’t. America has a de facto President who refuses to lead. In fact...
By now everyone knows: as many as 300 Americans are, as the Constitution would put it, “levying war against the United States.” The Arabic, or at...