Norah O’Donnell is called an “anchorwoman,” defined as “a television reporter who coordinates a broadcast to which several correspondents contribute.” However, would she not vet the...
The story of the birth of Jesus and His conception has been told for two millennia. Most Christian churches dedicate the entire month of December to...
Jonathan Gruber, Ph. D., finally spoke under oath before the Darrell Issa Committee. Sadly, Representatives Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), and their colleagues missed an...
Last month (November 22), Dr. Orly Taitz released a statement few believed at the time. She said Barack Obama never actually issued or signed any executive...
Recently, I spoke at a tea party in the state of Minnesota and was approached by an individual who said that he was there when I...
Nero fiddled while Rome burned. President Obama golfs while America burns. But maybe that’s a good thing. When he’s in Washington he fuels the burning with...
What was the purpose of the founding of these United States of America and the creation of our Constitution? Before the migration from Europe to this newly...
The Federal Reserve System has stood for more than a hundred years. It has in that time held the citizens and lawful residents of the United...
In 2014, it has become hard for those who understand what has happened to America to deny that everything we are and everything we stand for...
With the advent and growth of the internet, combined with the self inflicted demise and collapse of any credibility of the national and international “professional” news outlets, new...