By what authority do those highbrows in black robes think they have to violate the Constitution and by extension, the will of the American people? Justices are warranted...
Across this nation there are streets, blocks, neighborhoods and cites which exist in various gradients of contrasting security and danger. It has been pointed out by...
A nation of well-informed men who have been taught to know and prize the RIGHTS which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is...
Late this morning, de facto President Barack Obama spoke for nearly forty-five minutes about the NSA surveillance program. He said he would reform it to balance...
The airwaves, blogs, and newspapers have been filled with Bridgegate, the label given to the questionable political activities of Governor Christie. Highlights of the story being...
Here’s a test. Think of a regional sustainable development plan that does not include open spaces, compact living and reduced vehicle miles traveled. From Plan Bay...
Editor’s note: in Part 1, Dwight Kehoe introduced the overblown Polar Vortex narrative. Below he lists several relevant facts that give the lie to that narrative....
All right. It’s time to admit it. I’m a cynic. You will have to excuse me for not accepting, without proof, anything people or groups preach without...
Yesterday (January 13, 2013) the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a case of recess appointment abuse. Several Justices heaped open skepticism, if not...
The Chris Christie bridge scandal drew more attention last week than any other story. The attention did not last. New Jersey Democrats have not yet found...