A Star-Ledger (Newark, N.J.) headline reads: “ObamaCare fuels applicant boom for NJ Medicaid—Advocate hails 35% increase in October.” (Read the article here.) Almost 22,000 new applications were...
Every story she comes up with has a lie! – Co-worker of Dayna Morales Last week, we were told of another self-inflicted hate crime: lesbian...
Comet C/2012 S1, which astronomers also call Comet ISON, did not die after its close pass at the Sun two days ago. (Source: ABC News) Yesterday...
How serious are the problems with Obamacare, or the Patient Protection (racket) and (Not) Affordable Care Act? This will cost several Democrats their seats in Congress....
In the news this past week there have been reports about the Supreme Court getting another chance to do the right thing concerning the unconstitutional “Un-Affordable Health...
In an age where language is as much under assault as values, the term RINO (an acronym for Republican in Name Only) is now the target...
Religious expression is under assault. This most recent attack, will affect every pastor and church in America, and very soon. Wisconsin Federal District Court Judge Barbara...
Now, President Obama can nominate the Three Stooges to the federal bench if he wants, and get away with it. Why? Because last week, Senate Majority...
Anyone reading or listening to the news these days is sure to have heard about Harry Reid’s nuclear option. While Senator Reid would certainly make use...
The practice of beheading dates back to Greek and Roman times. The Roman Empire used it for its own citizens while crucifying others. Beheading has been...