Liberal legislators are getting desperate in pushing the gun control argument. Now they are flying their true colors, and showing how little regard they have for...
This morning, another type of creation advocate sent me a message at the domain of the Creation Science Hall of Fame. Some advocates choose not to...
Dear Governor Christie: as you are aware, the New Jersey Legislature is about to hand you a new set of laws concerning gun control and gun...
While there are many states with many political factions throughout these United States, New Jersey has always had a diverse population, and therefore a diverse legislature....
Has Officer Barbrady taken over the White House press corps, as well as the Press Office? So it seems, as the modern American press looks the...
Editor’s Note: A New Jersey Assembly committee approved twenty gun control laws in a contentious hearing. Someone who attended the hearing sent this report.
Is Obama provoking a civil war? The majority of people, including those in the military and law enforcement, employed by government, federal, state or local, are...
Those 23 “Executive Orders”, just signed by the Marxist who would be King, would not have stopped the tragedy that took place in Sandy Hook, Colorado...
For the past two decades I have been guarding my mind and spirit against believing in conspiracy theories. They always seemed to be so far-fetched that...
I applied for a gun permit in the past year. I believe that it is a privilege for most people to proclaim their Second Amendment right...