The growing danger of a catastrophic financial collapse and the advancing acculturation of our civilization from the immorality of the godless and immoral left, without even...
Dr. Walt Brown, Director of the Center for Scientific Creation, recently announced a new figure for his astronomical fix for the Global Flood. Like his earlier...
Here we are, it is day whatever in the IRS scandal. New evidence is heard daily but it has to be wrung out of the establishment...
Our Constitution was not written in the sands to be washed away by each wave of new judges blown in by each successive political wind. Or...
During the American Revolution, The Black Regiment was a term given to the clergy members by the British. The term was derived from the black robes...
Although it stopped just short of redefining marriage, yesterday’s Supreme Court decision supporting same-sex marriage is more than just a tragedy – it is evidence that...
Has anyone ever called you a Fundamentalist or a Right Winger and meant it as an insult? Chances are if you are bold about your faith...
Well now, what a surprise! The newly appointed and unelected Senator Chiesa has voted with the liberal Democrats and the liberal Republican lemmings in the United...
I believe granting liberty to gay people advances a compelling government interest, that such an interest cannot be adequately advanced if “pockets of resistance” to...
The immigration reform bill now percolating through the Senate will solve nothing. If it passes, the United States will have yet another constituency for politicians and...