The first Presidential debate took place last night (October 3) at the University of Denver, Denver, CO. By every account, no matter which side the account...
The past twenty-four hours have seen the release of more videos featuring one person than is usual. These latest Obama videos show an ugly side to...
If you know what most of us who have paid attention during the last 4 years know, tonight’s debate between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama will... (a watchdog organization) estimates that Obama made an incredible list of promises during his 2008 campaign, of which he has fulfilled roughly 24%. To be...
A few months ago I was part of a panel discussion being broadcast on a Christian radio station. We were discussing tea party issues and the...
During World War II, American soldiers in the Pacific listened to Radio Tokyo and other English-language programs on Japanese-run stations. Servicemen wrote home that “Tokyo Rose,”...
Three key facts point to one big nightmare scenario. Most people think such things “couldn’t happen here.” But this is how dictatorships do happen.
To guard your First Amendment rights, you must stand up for them. Demetrios K. Stratis stands up in court for those willing to stand up in...
A small group of pastors and other activists gathered today at a hotel in Heightstown, New Jersey, for a first-of-its-kind conference. The first annual God and...
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel yesterday gave the speech everyone was waiting for. The Netanyahu speech to the UN probably relieved some hearers, and certainly...