Dear Servant of God: I am writing to you as a member of the Tea Party – and I am NOT a racist. Years ago it...
Are you a Pilgrim or a Puritan? Pilgrims and Puritans came from the same place but traveled different roads. Both roads led to the same place,...
Usually when crime bosses slip through the cracks of our justice system, we call them Teflon Dons. No matter what crime they are charged with, nothing...
Yesterday, ten Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents sued their own agency.They allege the most shocking thing anyone in law enforcement can imagine. Specifically they say their...
In a recent speech, our interesting Vice President stated that the putative President (that is, the man now occupying the White House) inherited debt which was...
The debate on the welfare state started in 1949. Harry S. Truman championed it then; Barack H. Obama champions it now. Conservatives then and now fought...
The Hunger Games (dir. Gary Ross; with Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, and Donald Sutherland; Lionsgate Pictures, 2012) came out on DVD, Blu-ray, download, and “video on...
The leaders of Israel must soon make a judgment. The survival of the country, and the lives of its people, are on the line. But they...
In 1859, Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life....
Last week I had occasion to listen to two Conservative black men discuss the Obama election and subsequent administration. They both agreed that neither of them...