In many cases, no doubt, people in America do not want to be delivered from their sins (Matthew 1:21) they want to be delivered from God...
Who is United States District Court Judge, Gonzalo Curiel? What is the La Raza Lawyers Association of San Diego, California?
Before discussing the Jewish People’s exclusive right to the Land of Israel, (Eretz Israel) artificially designated as “Palestine,” we shall first review the character and credibility...
There are many adjectives that describe the Democratic presidential front-runner, but few are complimentary or indicate that she is capable of running this country – and...
It says in Jewish sources, such as Nefesh HaTzimtzum, that the dispersal of the Jewish people is a desecration of God’s Name. In principle, this may...
Fools, of which many abound, who think that Donald Trump slipped when he called the judge presiding over the Trump University lawsuit a Mexican, quite clearly...
Jewish statesmanship does not exist in Israel. Jews do become prime ministers, as did Benjamin Disraeli and Pierre Mendes France. But no sober person expected Jewish...
There probably are very few people who enjoy the game of golf more than I do. I play four rounds each week (I’m retired) and watch...
“I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.” – Unknown. As many now know, just this...
Could anyone picture this? Today’s political climate has seen a rise in young adults who think Communism is a good thing. During the Cold War such...