A TV commercial appeared during the Fox Business presidential debate claiming climate change is the greatest threat to the world today. (Absurd! Militant Islam is the...
“If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.” – James Madison
I watched Bret Baier interview Donald Trump about eminent domain. I am one of many Americans whose property is under assault by government (NJ), that thinks...
Saying that many enemies of America (both foreign and domestic) fall into the categories of delusional or demonic may seem like an extreme statement, however, the...
My first inclination was to title this piece, “Obama threatens to spank school district for not favoring a single transgender student.”
It has been reported that 66 percent of Americans (and Britons) are addicted to their cell phones, which suggests they are bonded to these electronic devices. This...
Political scientists fail to emphasize that whenever a democracy and a dictatorship negotiate publicly as equals, the dictatorship gains enormously. Such negotiation places these two...
We all know that moral decay is permeating what is now called “post-Christian” Europe. Our best informed commentators know that this decay has been propagated for...
PM Benjamin Netanyahu knows as well as anyone that the two-state solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict is impossible. He knows it’s a fraud He is simply...
To understand why democracy today is boring and decadent one can hardly do better than consult Alexis de Tocqueville. His classic, Democracy in America, is more relevant...