In The Secret Life of the Jew (1930), Rabbi David Miller writes: “In the Pharmacological Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University … it has been recently established,...
Political parties have a bad reputation, especially in Israel where they are so numerous, so narrow, and so noxious. Although parties serve the purpose of presenting...
We are witnessing what has shaped up to be a very critical political battle indeed. I have heard for a long time people complaining about not...
Realism ignores the blather of both the pessimist and the optimist. The realist does not ask if the glass is half full or half empty. When...
Sen. Ted Cruz clobbered the moderators of the CNBC debate on Wednesday October 28 when he was asked a ‘gotcha’ question, but instead of taking the...
According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, government information that is available to all citizens who are willing to do the investigative work and...
“I am rough, boisterous, stormy and altogether warlike. I am born to fight against innumerable monsters and devils. I must remove stumps and stones, cut away...
Now that the elections are behind us, we as citizens must ensure that the legislators know how we view issues of importance. When one considers the...
No solution to America’s serious internal and external problems is possible so long as Barack Obama is in the White House. Therefore, any constructive proposal advanced...
On March 31, 1995, ten years before Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza, Yitzhak Rabin was Israel’s Prime Minister, and Shimon Peres was his Defense Minster. On that...