I was reading from Maxwell’s Leadership Promises for Every Day. And the message nailed the problem with today’s leaders. “In God’s economy leaders are meant to...
The Centers for Disease “Control” are actively considering internment as a way to pursue the impossible dream of “containing” COVID-19.
Jew haters have a consistency problem. Carrying forward their abhorrence of all things Jewish means rejecting much of modern medicine.
Why are governments insisting on vaccines for everyone on Earth? Could it be that the vaccine is an instrument of depopulation?
Why are governments insisting on vaccines for everyone on Earth? Could it be that the vaccine is an instrument of depopulation?
Since March of 2020 the United States, and to a lesser extent the rest of the world, has labored under a peculiar narrative. That narrative has...
Since March of 2020 the United States, and to a lesser extent the rest of the world, has labored under a peculiar narrative. That narrative has...
Real reporting on the ground does not show masses of people lining up for the vaccine. They are in the streets protesting and refusing it.
Lockdown didn't work against SARS-CoV-2 and couldn't have. It empowered would-be tyrants, nothing more. But people can fortify themselves.
The likely purpose of mask mandates, lockdowns, perhaps even the very engineering of SARS-CoV-2, is to herd people into accepting a vaccine.