In a new Netflix series, free agent NFL quarterback and activist Colin Kaepernick equated the treatment of players at the NFL combine to slavery. The series, which premiered...
On Sunday, during NBC’s “Meet the Press,” VA gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe (D) said parents should not be picking school books: “we have experts who actually do that.”
A Florida “Teacher of the Year” was charged with felony child abuse by Jacksonville police, days after receiving the state-wide award award. A student reportedly called...
Women handball players will no longer be required to compete in bikini bottoms, according to updated rules by the International Handball Federation.
Southwest Airlines says it is launching an internal investigation after a report that one of its pilots used anti-Biden slang over a plane’s public address system...
A survey done in October found that a good chunk of Americans believe in various supernatural entities.
In a report released late last week, statistics showed that the prison rate is 35% higher than it was 20 years ago, despite lower crime rates.
This week, New Jersey lawmakers are planning to approve a new policy that will require anyone who enters the Statehouse in Trenton, New Jersey to be...
A new poll by NPR finds only 33 percent of Republicans trust the 2024 elections will be fair.
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said on Sunday that a federal no-fly list for violent airplane passengers “should be on the table” after an American Airlines flight...