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Texit defenses redux – border wall

Governor Abbott gave details on his announcement about Texas building its own border wall. But that shouldn’t stop Texit advocates from pressing on.

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Flag of Texas - or Texit

Last week, Governor Greg Abbott (R-Texas) promised an announcement on building a border wall by Texas’ efforts alone. Yesterday the governor made good on that promise. No doubt the governor did this to slow the momentum toward Texit – Texas independence. He will not succeed in this, if the fervor of the Texas Nationalist Movement is any indicator. But if this project is everything the governor says it is, then it is a step Texas must take on the road to independence.

Current state of Texit

As regular readers know, Rep. Kyle Biedermann (R-Fredericksburg, Texas) introduced HB 1359, the Texas Independence Referendum Act, last January. The Texas House heard it on first reading and referred it to the Texas House Committee on State Affairs. Where the chairman simply “chubbed” it, so that it died for lack of a hearing.

In addition, Rep. Bryan Slaton (R-East Texas) introduced HB 2862, the Texas Border Security Enhancement Act or “Finish the Wall Act.” That, too, drew a referral to the State Affairs Committee. And the chairman of that Committed “chubbed” that bill to death, too.

In the meantime, Gov. Abbott laid on “Operation Lone Star,” to add Texas National Guard and Department of Public Safety assets to assist local law enforcement against the massive wave of illegal immigrants coming through breaches in the border wall along the northern shore of the Rio Grande. Those breaches exist because President Joe Biden issued an Executive Order that all contractors down tools and go home. The situation at the border has become, by all accounts, untenable.

So last week the governor warned that anyone coming illegally into Texas from Mexico faced arrest and imprisonment for aggravated trespass and other State offenses incidental to their unlawful entry. But that did not stop Dan Miller, head of the TNM, from announcing a petition drive to put the question of Texas independence on Republican and Democraticprimary ballots.


Gov. Abbott gives more detail

Obviously, Gov. Abbott faces a physical problem (all those unlawful entrants) and a political problem. The political problem consists of the most powerful primary challenger any governor has ever had to face. Primaries are notorious for their low voter turnout. Putting the Texit question on the primary ballot will surely draw turnout levels approaching general election levels. Gov. Abbott cannot afford that. If former Senator Don Huffines (R-Dallas, Texas) gets the TNM’s endorsement, he’ll shellack Abbott in any primary with the Texit question to juice it. Huffines, recall, has already announced his primary challenge to Abbott.

So yesterday Gov. Abbott announced the details of this border wall program. The sources for these reports include:

The plan for building the wall includes:

  1. Demanding that the Federal government revert to the State certain lands it seized to build the still-incomplete Trump Wall,
  2. Paying $250 million dollars down, using funds from the Department of Criminal Justice,
  3. Asking for private donations of money and land for the wall, and
  4. Calling for other States to send help, in the form of more “boots on the ground.” (Gov. Ron DeSantis, R-Florida, has already said he would send help.)

Reaction to the Texas border wall project

The Texas Nationalist Movement has not, as of this posting, commented on Gov. Abbott’s announcement. Neither has Dave (The Common Sense Show) Hodges, who last week laughed at the idea of Texas building its own wall. In fact Hodges called it a “Maginot Line” in reference to the famous defenses along the French-German border. The Wehrmacht famously marched around those and took France over anyway.


Naturally leftist Texas leaders expressed outrage, according to this San Antonio site. They showed where their priorities lay – with socialist measures for which the illegal immigrants would likely vote in any plebiscite.

At least two politicians tried to score points of an arguably substantive issue. Texas is in a heat wave and does not have power to keep the air conditioners humming.

But neither man addresses the real reason why Texas power supplies might be less than adequate. ERCOT (Electrical Reliability Council of Texas) took “renewable energy” subsidies and built wind farms. But in such a heat wave, the winds drop to a dead flat calm. Result: no power.

Three Texas politicians backed the wall plan.

Of the three, Lt. Gov. Patrick and House Speaker Phelan had a hand in “chubbing” the Texit and Finish the Wall Acts. Senator Jane Nelson (R-Flower Mound, Texas) might have tarnished her reputation after stripping $100 million of border-security funds from a supplemental budget.


Texit still needed

Many ranking Texas politicians, from Gov. Abbott on down, are trying to address the sorest point with Texit advocates. But they are doing it after they have opposed meaningful measures until recently. Texit is one of those measures; the other was a direct legislative attempt to enhance the security of the border.

CNAV would advise TNM to set up its own border wall crowdfunding site – and run it themselves! Don’t let GoFundMe run it; they’ll find some excuse to stop the fundraiser and give all the money back. They’ve done this to other worthy but “politically incorrect” causes.

The last time Senator Nelson sought re-election, she had no primary challenger. Unless she can explain her actions about the $100 million, this primary election should be different.

In the meantime, TNM should continue its petition drive and recruit primary challengers all around, as they said they’d do.

List of earlier articles relating to Texas independence and readiness

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Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.

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John Doe

Hopefully Texas can maintain its current solid conservative Republicans in office like Greg Abbott, Dan Patrick, and Ken Paxton. I wouldn’t be surprised if some Moderate Republicans backed by liberal and/or globalist interests try to primary them in 2022…

For example, George P. Bush is now running as a supposed “America First” Republican to primary Paxton, who fought for election integrity. The Bush family generally come off as globalists.

I was also reading that former Texas House speaker Joe Straus may run for some office in 2022. He said he didn’t vote for Trump in 2020 because of “rhetoric” and “character”, instead casting a ballot for Biden, who made blatantly racist statements. Coincidentally enough, Straus was a youthful supporter of John Tower, who voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the 24th Amendment, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.


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