Two key employees at the IRS spoke today to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. They confirmed what the Committee hinted at yesterday. The Office...
The 2013 IRS scandal reached closer to the White House today. Two key committee chairmen in the House of Representatives sent a letter to Acting IRS...
Do you think anyone except the family of Trayvon Martin really cares what happened to him? The answer to the question proffered above is yes. With...
The amnesty bill, S-744, has sailed through the Senate and now awaits a decision by Speaker Boehner in the House. The question now becomes, will he...
Before I begin, allow me to set that stage. I believe the greatest danger to the survival of the Republic is the governmental education system. Let...
In Part I of this series (Read it here) we discussed many of the unconstitutional activities being imposed on America by the Obama Administration with the...
The growing danger of a catastrophic financial collapse and the advancing acculturation of our civilization from the immorality of the godless and immoral left, without even...
Here we are, it is day whatever in the IRS scandal. New evidence is heard daily but it has to be wrung out of the establishment...
Edward Snowden has lately shown poor judgment. And he either has “non-classical” notions of “liberty,” or else cannot always discern which societies are truly free. But...
Admittedly there is still much to learn about Edward Snowden and his perceived or proven agenda. But enough time has passed and enough information has been...