The Jewish Community Federations of North America have come together to provide humanitarian aid for Syrian refugees. The organizations, paid contractors who are identified in the...
Clearly and without any doubt the person calling himself Barack Obama is hiding something. This thing is not small or insignificant. One does not spend millions...
For as long as the human race has existed, there have been victims. Some, such as Abel, may have been taken off guard. Others fell victim...
In my book Rescuing America from Nihilism: A Judeo-Scientific Approaching (Lightcatcher, 1st edition 2014), I elaborate on two eminent figures in the development of America: Christopher...
Robert Louis Stevenson was a profound essayist as well as a fabulous novelist. In his essay “Truth of Intercourse,” the author of Treasure Island refers to...
“No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.” – Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Constitution, Draft 1, 1776 In light of the violence across America...
In The Dream Palace of the Arabs, the renowned Lebanese-born scholar, Fouad Ajami of Johns Hopkins University, portrays the thoughts of the most prominent of literati...
This past week there was another terrorist attack on American citizens. The word terrorist is used because, no matter what this Cretan’s objective was or why...
Biblical prophecy can be fascinating – especially when it comes to end time predictions. However, the real purpose of prophecy is not to intrigue us about...
In his 2002 foreword to Raphael Patai’s 1973 classic, The Arab Mind, Norvelle B. de Atkine writes: “This book … forms the basis of my cultural instruction,...