This past week has once again revealed some quite startling news. Most of which has been ignored, as usual, by the main stream media and to...
The Lord shall bring thee, and thy king which thou shalt set over thee, unto a nation which neither thou nor thy fathers have known;... made it official yesterday afternoon. Barack Obama, in describing his signature healthcare reform program, told the Lie of the Year. Everyone could have known that...
Representative John Boehner (R-Ohio), Speaker of the House of Representatives, does not like conservatives any more, if he ever did. “Ridiculous!” he cries. Meaning, people should...
How can you kill a liberty loving nation? There are many ways. Most of them have been used to slowly poison America but America still stands....
The current United States leadership begs the question. Are they suicidal, simply brain dead or worse, traitors? For once again the progressive Marxists media lap-dogs are...
Anti-war activists have a legend. In it, a ranking general said something about new recruits, something those activists find frightening. He said, “You gotta get ’em...
Can this really be happening? Is it possible these past five years are just a frightful dream from which we may awaken as those poor souls...
Let me say this plainly: This president is not a failure. He is a success! He knows exactly what demographic he should go to. The older...
The other night I watched a PBS special on Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass), a series of coordinated attacks against Jews throughout Nazi Germany and parts...