I continue my series on The Church Militant with this quote from Catherine Booth co-founder of The Salvation Army:
Will America bow? Before attempting to answer that question, there are two other questions that need to be considered: What god do Americans worship? What do...
Kent Hovind, the famous “Doctor Dino,” broke his silence yesterday to reply to many questions about his long-running battle with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). His...
To Governor John Kasich of Ohio: I wish to bring to your attention some crucial matters concerning the Common Core Standards. To judge fairly, I scrutinized four Common...
Well, America, once again we have been duped by the man now occupying the White House. While he put on a good show this week castigating...
Businessman George Ball said this of the Common Core standards: In July, the state of New York announced the results of its first tests based on...
Yesterday, House Minority Leader (and ex-Speaker) Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, cried poverty on the national budget to a CNN anchor. What she said sounds absurd. But...
As the coming holiday season approaches, I have decided not to do the usual decorative display. This year I will be decorating with a purpose. Yes,...
This article reviews the analyses of the competing claims of the Jews and of the Arab residents to a land known variously as “Israel,” “Judea,” and...
The Arabs residing in Palestine, a small group of the Arab people, who have been named “The Palestinian Arab People” by the Soviet dezinformatsiya1 claim political...