The debate on the welfare state started in 1949. Harry S. Truman championed it then; Barack H. Obama champions it now. Conservatives then and now fought...
The Hunger Games (dir. Gary Ross; with Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, and Donald Sutherland; Lionsgate Pictures, 2012) came out on DVD, Blu-ray, download, and “video on...
The leaders of Israel must soon make a judgment. The survival of the country, and the lives of its people, are on the line. But they...
In 1859, Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life....
Last week I had occasion to listen to two Conservative black men discuss the Obama election and subsequent administration. They both agreed that neither of them...
Few stories have managed to jump off the page and grip the heart and the better sensibilities of this writer as much as the recently released...
The issue of “American Exceptionalism” was brought to the forefront by the man now occupying the White House. He claims that there is nothing exceptional about...
Gold and silver sell today at bargain basement prices. Those prices have held for nearly a year. But now those prices might rise and not look...
Considering the Marxists, Islamists, Progressives, leftists and Communists that Obama has appointed during his first term of usurping the Presidency, would it not seem prudent for...
As most of us know by now, 2016 has been showing only in limited locations and for very abbreviated time frames. It is not clear why,...