A most politically significant manifestation of cognitive dissonance occurs every day in democratic societies, and it has disastrous effects on their foreign and domestic policies.
“The system of ‘terror’ was essential to Stalinism. … Terror was the creation to mold politically the control that they wanted.” – Condoleezza Rice, “Joseph Stalin:...
Let every friend (real or nominal), and especially every enemy, of Israel, take note of these facts:
Hillary Clinton, who opposes a government decision that would exclude tens of thousands of Syrians into the United States, is not stupid in staying that such...
We live in “age of atrocity” as well as in “age of stupidity,” an age in which “higher” education is steeped in Nihilism, a philosophy of...
Yale and Mizzou students effectively ran off a school president and a chancellor all in the name of PC and liberal notions of a fantasy zone...
Author Doug Johnson, a prolific writer and blogger published a piece about how the election of Ted Cruz could end up getting Hillary into the oval...
Paris, November 13, 2015, and yet again the “peaceful” religion of Islam struck another cowardice blow to unarmed civilians in soft target areas. This marks the...
Bernard Lewis, the doyen of Islamic studies, emphasized tha overweening arrogance is characteristic of Muslim culture. But as an Englishman, as well as a Jew, Lewis...
According to Article II, Section 4, of the United States Constitution, “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed...