How bad was it yesterday? HOw bad is it today? How bad will it be tomorrow? The answer to all three headline questions is identical. BAD!...
Abbott District funding wasn’t the first time Christie cowered before the Democrat controlled progressive New Jersey Supreme Court. Does the “Council on Affordable Housing” (COAH) decision ring a...
Concerning useful idiots and managed news, Josef Goebbels said something profound, something people so often forger:
Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, is the top gun on Obamacare. On Wednesday, the House Energy and Commerce Committee had her at the...
I’ve been asked, why I’m attacking Chris Christie and giving Barbara Buono a pass? That’s simple. Barbara Buono is a total disaster and not worth the...
It’s time “We the People” of New Jersey send a message to the establishment, that we are sick and tired of politics as usual. A vote...
Do religion and politics mix? Before answering, ask yourself: How did America, once a noble nation, become so confused?
Remember when de facto President Barack Obama said you could keep your plan? That’s not true. What’s more, Obama lied. He knew it was not true...
We have heard all the terms and all the phrases such as Quantitative Easing, or Monetizing Debt and just plain QE4 (or whatever number they are...
“Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., a third-term congressman and a co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. On the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Rights page on his...