The 39th annual March for Life took place in Washington, DC last Friday. CNAV was on the scene.
February 2nd in Pennsylvania has traditionally drawn attention to America’s favorite groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil. February 2nd also marks the beginning of the annual Pennsylvania Eastern Sports...
“What difference does it make?” Hillary Clinton dares ask the country. Specifically, “what difference does it make” why Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens became the first US...
It may be time to take a page out of the left’s play book. To the best of my recollection, the left began writing its new...
Barack Obama eligibility supporters maintain that he is an Article II “natural born Citizen” and therefore eligible to be President. But to do so, they have...
Most of us by now have seen and or heard the many leftist politicians, journalists and assorted screw balls screaming, chastising, crying and demanding that our...
Obama’s New Jersey Cheerleader, Governor Chris Christie harshly criticized the National Rifle Association on Thursday for referring to U.S. President Barack Obama’s children in an ad...
Some see the UN as incompetent, venal, and corrupt. But the UN is a worse threat than that. May in this country are using it to...
From an intellectual perspective, signs of America’s decline appeared with the advent of Progressive Movement toward the end of the 19th century. The most prominent leader...
A sheriff is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in each County in every State. Every Sheriff swears an oath to “…support and defend the United States...