National emergency is a serious phrase for a serious problem. If Congress won't act, the President must. And: who benefits from this national emergency?
The federal government started arming non-military agencies, even non-LEO agencies, ten years ago. Why is Trump continuing the practice?
Israel badly needs judicial reform. Judges often pour contempt on legislators, in oral argument and often in their rulings.
Ilhan Omar is the poster child for Muslims, fighting a war of civilization by deception, as Muhammad taught her and others.
Anti-Semitism never died after WWII and is now resurging in the West and even in America. But now the Jews are fighting back.
The Tech Tyrants are the companies that helped connect everyone and now decide who may speak and who may not. Government isn't the answer.
Our forefathers broke free of a king who held himself above the law. Should we tolerate our own representatives acting above the law?
An abortion survivor deserves protection no less than does any other child. But local sheriffs and prosecutors can and should do this job today.
The media have built an empire of lies, and so have politicians, from defamation to mischaracterization of public policy.
Jewish self-hatred has exploded in the context of the latest Knesset elections. The antidote comes from Jewish Scripture.