Yesterday, an unknown Republican held a House seat (Florida’s 13th) by a narrow margin: two percent of the vote in a light turnout. (See also here...
The glaring failures of the two-party system have been an increasing concern among patriots who long for representatives that represent the people rather than political cabals....
Sweden is the seventh richest country in the world in terms of GDP per capita and its high standard of living. It is famous for supporting...
First and foremost it should be made very clear that TPATH has not been given any information regarding what has actually happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight...
I’m always looking for the principle behind a thing, the key thing, the root thing, the thing that makes it all work. I can’t walk into...
In the 2008 presidential election, over 68 percent of those in the age demographic of 18-33-year-olds voted for Barack Obama. Just before Obama’s second term in...
Over these past six years this country has witnessed the most unbelievable “sticker shock” imaginable. As we awake this morning and face yet another new day filled with...
In the last two days, two asteroids have come closer to earth than the moon. These asteroids follow cometary, or highly eccentric, orbits. As such they...
Hillary Clinton once said that it takes a village to raise a child. At the time it seemed like she might have meant that all of...
PRIME MINISTER HARPER IS NOBODY’S BITCH: Before you read another word, you must know that as a Canadian, it is easy for me to be proud...